Thursday, February 28, 2008

Full Moon While the Sun Shines

There really is never a dull moment around here. Let me illustrate by telling a favorite blackmail story from last summer ...

The little girls have been asking to swim in their little wading pool all day. It had been raining off and on all day so I told them when the sun comes out. At about 5 p.m. the sun showed itself so I let the girls go out. Joanna couldn't find her swimsuit and announced she would swim in her panties and shirt. I thought nothing more of it until dh came home. I could hear the girls playing and was rather irked when he sent an older kid to get me. He asked me if I knew what my girls were doing. I was about to snap at him when I turned and saw what my (why are they mine when they are causing mischief?) girls were doing. They had put their Little Tike slide halfway in the pool so they could slide into the water. Well, the sun wasn't the only thing showing itself. Joanna decided swimming in the buff was better. I see her naked little butt go down the slide. Of course, my first reaction was to bust out laughing. Dh (who was trying not to laugh himself) scolded me and said people at the park could see her. Eh, no one was at the park so we let her have her fun.

hmmm ... you know what the funny thing is? I've never been skinny-sipping but dh has. I wonder whose little girl Joanna really is!

1 comment:

Mirz said...

Too funny. Gotta love the "inner nudist" in every little child. *hee hee*