Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Before I moved up north to the cornfields of Illinois, I lived in central Texas where I was born and raised. We never had snow like this and will get in one day an amount totalling what I saw in 20 years in Texas. It sure is pretty though, especially from inside in front of a warm fire sipping hot chocolate.

It wasn't always so pretty to me. Before I moved up north 12 years ago, I was tending my blooming roses in 78 degree weather only to immersed in -19 degree temperatures with plenty of snow on the ground a week later. I didn't like it, not at all. It has grown on me now. I enjoy the distinct seasons. I see the leaves change colors, snow fall and cling to the bare branches which will soon be budding with green in a couple of months. The farmers will be plowing fields which show a rich black soil (my favorite). I love it out here with all of the colors of nature.

Right now I will enjoy the quiet (until the kids come home) view sipping my hot chocolate and appealing to my pyromaniac tendencies having a big fire going to warm cold toes.

1 comment:

Truth said...

I didn't realize you had a blog. I found it via Anne's blog. Welcome to blogland.