Thursday, April 24, 2008

They sure do talk funny

I was reminded of how words/slang and the meanings change over the years. I was reminded this morning by an almost horrified 15 yo. Charissa left her shoes (flip-flops) by the door. Her little brother (the 9 yo Jonathan) came by and saw some ants. He put Charissa's shoes on and smashed them.

I was telling Charissa about it a few minutes later, but heaven forbid I used the word thongs instead of flip-flops. So I basically told Charissa that Jonathan borrowed her thongs. Given the meanings of the words now (a thong being a piece of floss guised as underwear), I guess it does sound rather alarming not to mention funny.

I think they change the word meaning to keep parents on their toes and like totally un-groovy ... er cool.

1 comment:

Anne Coleman said...

I still can't believe you lived through this! I would have thrown

BTW, you're one of the winners at my blog giveaway!!!!