Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It Made Me Smile

Yesterday was miserable. I had chills. I had a fever. I had a pounding headache. I was miserable. To add woe to my misery Eric was feeling better and not using me as his comfort so I was a tad uncomfortable too.

Yet in all this misery of mine (I am feeling better now. Thanks for asking!) I was able to smile. I smiled when I saw my 13 yo's detention slip. It wasn't at the slip itself but who signed the parent's signature line. Joanna (4 yo) gave her permission for Oren to stay after school. The teacher got a kick out of it too.

I smiled at Eric's baby laughs (even 3 a.m. ones like this morning). There is a reason why we call Eric "Chuckles". He is even more hilarious when he is tired. Everything strikes him as funny and worthy of a laugh.

I smiled when my oldest came home telling me she was able to arrange class work with her teachers if I needed her to stay home. I was that miserable. Hubby would be travelling and was worried about me. I guess so was my oldest. That was really sweet of her being willing to stay home and care for me. Alas I am feeling better, and she is bummed she has to go to school.

I smiled because I didn't clean house and had a good excuse. Actually I wasn't smiling as I crawled back in bed, but I was relieved I had a card to play on why my chores weren't done. In my experience the being-sick-card works better than the playing-on-the-computer-all-day-card.

I smiled because the kids eventually all went to sleep. The house was peaceful. I crashed before hubby could start snoring too loudly. That was definitely worthy of a smile.

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