Saturday, December 6, 2008

Must be all the wind ...

It swept me away. That is why I have been absent from my posting. Actually it is the whirlwind of activities that have happened in the last 3 weeks. The wind is strong and bitterly cold enough though right now to sweep you away.

For Thanksgiving we all travelled out to SE Utah to see family and spend Thanksgiving week. The kids thought missing two days of school was an early Christmas gift. For the week before I was busy cleaning, washing clothes, packing and taking care of obligations I have at church and with our school's PTO.

Then there was the travelling. We left Friday (21st) about 5 p.m. and drove into Iowa. We took off the next morning to be hit with a snow storm on I-80. The snow was creating icy and slick roads. Some of the kids thought Dad was just being cool by swerving all over the road. I was trying to not have a full-blown anxiety attack. We made it through the storm and had good weather, perfect travelling weather in fact, the rest of the way. We arrived in Utah early Sunday evening. That many hours with that many people smashed together in a van and hotel rooms gets old fast.

While the kids had grandma and grandpa all to themselves, we rode the four wheelers, went hiking to see ruins and had a picnic at the sand dunes. I was dumping sand out of jeans for days. On Wednesday, everyone started showing up. The excitement of the evening is when Joanna split the back of her head open. There is no hospital in hubby's small hometown, and the urgent care was closed early. Super Glue, butterfly bandages and a trained Brother-in-law go a long to fixing up a distraught little 5 year old.

Joanna didn't even know she split her head open. She was trying to get outside to be with her cousins when the door handle came off in her hand. She fell. She was more upset she broke grandpa's door. It was her uncle that noticed the blood running down the back of her head. I think it was the mention of staples that made her hysterical.

For Thanksgiving we packed 35 people in one large room. It was full of fun, food and laughs. We had a family white elephant gift exchange later followed by games. The major entertainment for the young kids was taking a foam mattress down the stairs at grandma's house. Joanna tried to get back into the game after we patched her up, but I was a meanie and made her wait until the following day.

Joanna was the only major injury. Hubby was sure there would be one with Cara on the four-wheeler. It amazes me that the child that tattles on every little slight can be so fearless when it comes to rides and roller coasters. Cara was driving with Clint riding on the same four-wheeler behind her. She took a corner a bit fast and had two wheels off the ground. She laughed, and her daddy informed her to slow down. I think he invoked a speed limit after that. ;)

Coming home we took the I-40 route home since I-80 through the mountains in Colorado was going to be in poor travelling condition. We didn't need a fishtailing van on mountain roads as the flat roads occurrence was scary enough. That lengthened our trip home a bit. We avoided snow until our last day which was spent the entire day (8 hours of driving) in it.

Once we got home, we stretched our limbs and enjoyed our rooms and own beds. The next few days were catch up with laundry, unpacking, doctor appointments and all of our normal obligations. Things are still slowly returning to normal or what is normal around here for us.

Pictures will be posted soon throughout next week.

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