Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Geography Bee Winner

Today was our middle school's Geography Bee. Every student in the 6th-8th grades takes a geography test. The top 30 scorers then compete in the school's geography bee. For the third year, Oren made it to the school's geography bee. His first year he scored 11th, inched out of the finals in a tie-breaker.

This year hubby was unable to make it due to lack of any vacation time so I continued to text him the results as the bee wore on ...

Top 12 - still going

In finals! won tie-breaker

Top 3 so far!


Some of the questions I would really have questioned if Oren had not gotten them correct. One of the questions in the semi-finals was asking in which state the city of Galveston was located. We went there two Spring Breaks ago to camp and show the kids the ocean. I did realize we need to take the kids to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina as Oren was the only one to miss that question in the semis.

Now that Oren won at the school level, he will take an intense test after Christmas Break to try for qualification for the state bee. The top 100 scores on that test participate in the state's geography bee.

Oren won a trophy with certificate from the school and a really cool atlas from National Geographic. He might have to hide the atlas from his dad. Oren displayed good sportsmanship after which a slightly inflated ego surfaced. That is okay though because it isn't too bad, and he is almost as excited as I am about all of it.

The 30 Participants

The 10 Semi-Finalists

The 2 Finalists

Oren Wins!

The 3 Winners

Congratulations, Oren!


象さん said...

That's fantastic! Way to go! Congratulations Oren, and to Mom and Dad too.

Heidi Lynn said...

That is so great! What a smart boy! Tell him congratulations for me! :)

Tania @ Larger Family Life said...

Congratulations Oren! Well done :-)