Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thoughts and Rambles

Sometimes what is said is not what is really meant. My 5th grader (Kalynne) had a play. The entire 5th grade put on various Aesop's Fables. I planned to make the 9 a.m. show, but had the 1 p.m. one as a back up. It was a good thing since I missed the 9 a.m. one. I showed up a few minutes late but just in time to see Kalynne's parts. Kalynne told me that I didn't have to come if I was too busy. I am glad I did because after she left the stage I saw her scanning the crowd from the wings. I was at the back so she couldn't see me. I saw her shoulders droop a little.

About halfway through the plays when another 5th grade class was performing their chosen fables, Eric started fussing so I stood up with him. Kalynne heard him and turned to scan the crowd on the other side of the theater. She found me, and her smile said it all. It said, "I know I told you you didn't have to come, but I am really glad you since that is what I wanted. Thanks, Mom."

My kids like to perform. They love the theatrics and drama. They must since they practice it all the time at home. Joanna had her chance to shine too. On her last day of pre-school a Mother's Tea was put on by the class. The children greet their mother's at the door and show them to their seats. They then take their drink order and serve their mothers. It is quite cute. There are gifts the children made. They love to help open them. Next comes the performance of songs and rhymes. Joanna kept making sure I was watching. When I would wink at her, she would wink back. The Mother's Tea is then finished with the handing out of certificates for those moving up to kindergarten.

I was watching one little boy sitting forlornly waiting for his mother. She was running late, and the look of relief on his face when she arrived was similar to the one I saw on Kalynne's at her play. The little boy, Hunter, is also Joanna's shadow and playmate. The teacher said he was rather wild when the year began, but Joanna was a big help in mellowing him out. I think that is the polite way of saying she put him in his place.

Children are so trusting which makes their naivety really fun at times. Oren told me that he asked his dad why it is called the "Birds & Bees". Supposedly his dad told him it is because birds and bees don't get along just like males and females. Oren had to check that bit of information with me. Usually I am the story-teller and get away with it since I have the better poker face. After 14+ years of marriage though my hubby is getting better. It is just that darn dimple that gives him away if he is up to some mischief. I am usually the practical joker too. I figure a bit of fun makes my day go by faster. Besides I consider it payback for giving birth, nursing, changing diapers and potty-training the li'l hoppers. And that is just by age three and not taking in the teenage hormone years.

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