Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sniffles to go around

and around and around and around. That can be a down side to a large family, passing around all those germs. We are blessed to be pretty healthy in our family. Illness is rare and usually occurs only once or twice a year. When it does strike, it just seems like forever until it leaves our house. It takes a while to get through everyone.

Right now Eric is sick. I hate it when my baby is sick. Poor thing can't tell me where is hurts. He just looks at me almost begging with his eyes for me to make it go away. I wish I could. He is getting better. At least he hasn't lost his appetite.

Joanna (grasshopper #6) was sick last week. She came home Wednesday and promptly went to bed. She missed school the next day and would have for the next few days if it hadn't been a four day weekend for her. She refused to eat. In 4+ days she only ate a bite of applesauce and a couple of bites of ice cream. She finally had half a dozen bites of cereal Sunday. She was able to handle fluids at least. She is so little and petite as is that we were watching her close.

She back up to speed and attitude now. I might be soon when I can catch up on sleep. I like to sleep close to my sick kids so I can hear them. It doesn't make for a restful sleep, but my mind is more restful being close.

1 comment:

Mirz said...

I hate it when we get a lingering illness. And yes, with more people in the house, how much easier it is to go back and forth and refuse to go.

Hoping everyone gets well soon. I certainly can't wait until Spring. I so want to open the windows and aire the house out of this stagnant air!