Saturday, March 29, 2008

Go, Mom, Go!

Okay if you have never read Dr. Suess' "Go, Dog, Go!", you have no idea what the title means or even caught the try at a joke. It has been all of my kids' favorite book. Well, maybe except Joanna but only because our copy died. After countless readings, our copy was falling apart and 5 times the thickness when we first bought it. We couldn't let Joanna not be exposed to the book so found a copy at the library (really gotta buy another). I am happy to say the tradition lives on.

My children are quite the backseat drivers. Something about getting driving advice from little people who can't even reach the pedals is rather annoying. My children see no need for stopping at red lights. When I do, I am told to go. So I quote from the above mentioned book -- "Stop, Dog! Stop! The light is red now." When it turns green, the kids say, "Go, Dog, Go! The light is green now."

The is nothing about yellow lights in the book. That is okay though. Joanna knows what those mean. As I was driving the other day, the light turned yellow right before I got to the intersection. Joanna pipes up from her carseat, "That means speed up, Mom!" LOL!

So red is stop. Green means go, and yellow means go faster. She might not reach the pedals yet, but at least Joanna knows that much about driving.


~Tammy~ said...

Love your blog, Ranae. But I do think "Go, Dog Go!" is P.D. Eastman.

I hope you find a copy- you might try WalMart or eBay.

Melanie said...

My brother and I loved that book when we were kids! My favorite was the end of the book when all the dogs party in the tree. :)

Ranae said...

Tammy - Oh yeah, it is Eastman. Oops! We got our old one in those nice Cat in the Hat series mailing things so I had a lapse. My bad ... thanks for the catch.

Our old copy ended up three times its original thickness from repeated readings. LOL! I do need a new one. Dh & I quote it all the time.