Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I have enjoyed watching the different relationship dynamics since having Zeke. Since we have had some super cold weather as of late, Zeke has been inside so it makes watching him more fun. His antics are funny as he not the most graceful dog. His ear has a habit of turning inside out giving him a lopsided look. He loves the outdoors, and I think the snow is his favorite. He just runs and bounds through with a doggy grin on his face. The outdoors only comes in second to being with his family. We are glad to have saved him from the shelter as he brings us much laughter.

Zeke has a different relationship with each family member. Take me for instance, Zeke is just like my children, I swear. I am the Alpha, the one in charge and the disciplinarian. When Zeke is doing something wrong, I am usually the one that punishes him. What is funny is when I haven't caught him in a no-no situation, but he will see me and start running away. Zeke will keep out of my reach or hide behind another family member when he knows he is in trouble. The dog acts guilty even if not caught (just like my kids). It is not all fear as Zeke does find me me a suitable companion albeit boring sometimes.

Kalynne is the caretaker, and Zeke adores her. He knows she is a pushover. She is his playmate and whimpers when she leaves his sight. It makes going to the bathroom or even piano practice difficult for Kaly.

Clint is Zeke's buddy and best friend. Both Zeke and Eric wait at the door to greet Clint when they see his car drive up. It is hard to tell who is more excited. Clint is pretty enamored himself and loves having Zeke.

Watching and whimpering while his playmates head back to school

Charissa is the one who rough-houses with Zeke. He loves wrestling with her, and it is quite funny to watch. To knock down his opponent Zeke jumps at and hits them broadside. Also Zeke doesn't fight fair if he is losing and goes for the toes. That hurts!

Eric and Zeke are quite the duo. Eric loves Zeke while Zeke tolerates him. The only incident was when Zeke nipped Eric on the lip. Eric was repeatedly poking Zeke in the eye. A poor dog can take only so much. Zeke knew he was in major trouble when he did it. Zeke has come to the understanding that Eric is not low man on the totem pole here. Now to solve the being contstantly bothered, Zeke has learned a method that is acceptable. He nibbles (lips only) Eric's toes or fingers. That grosses Eric out and stops the annoying action.

I witnessed it when Eric was holding on to the tip of Zeke's tail following Zeke around. Zeke tired of the game quickly and nibbled Eric's fingers to stop the game. Zeke does give Eric kisses and once Eric realizes whiskers are not meant to be pulled, perhaps Zeke will not run from Eric so much. There are times Zeke looks so worn out from entertaining and avoiding Eric. I think he is almost begging to be locked in the crate to be able to sleep. I can so sympathize, Zeke!

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