Saturday, January 23, 2010

School is in Session

The winter break is over not from winter but from school. Except for a snow day, the kids are back in school. I am also back in school. I do not get any snow days either. Clint suggested, and I agreed that perhaps the timing is right that I go back to college to finish my Elementary Education degree.

I am using one of the local community colleges in the area. Since Eric is still at home all of my classes this semester are strictly online classes. It saves on childcare costs as well as gas and travel time. That option, online classes, wasn't available when I was first pursuing my degree. Maybe if it had been, I would already have my degree. I think it is better now though while I am busier with life and family, I am more responsible and like to think mature. The kiddos remind me on occasion that I am not which is usually after pulling some prank.

I have finished my first week. So far so good as my homework has been turned in already. Most was due tomorrow (Sunday), but I wanted to keep that day for church and family. One assignment (Intro to Psychology) received full marks plus an extra credit point. The other while not graded received good remarks from the teacher. It was for Intro to Art and was a self-portrait box (pictures below). I am also in a Political Science class.

I enjoy the art class so far and find the political science class interesting. The psychology class is by far the hardest. I make sure I do that class reading in the morning after I have woken up a bit. I was nervous being the oldest student or being too dumb. I don't know if I am the oldest, but I am not the only mother in my classes or education major. Hopefully the success of the first week will keep me going. I am just wondering how I am going to handle Spring Break as the children's break is not the same time as mine. I am pushing for my own laptop but so far have been told to keep wishing.

My first art project --

1 comment:

Uncle Lance said...

Nice job on the picture cube! Hope school isn't kicking your butt yet!