Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Day of (un)Rest

I knew I would be watching 4 extra children this morning. I was to get them to church. That was it. As the story of my life goes, that changed as fast as the weather here.

I got a phone call from my hubby at 5:30 a.m. saying that the extra children were on their way (an hour earlier than planned). You see I watched these kids yesterday too. Their mother is expecting twins and was put into the hospital with pre-term labor this week. Their dad is military and had drill this weekend. I volunteered to watch the children. I was the only one with a big enough vehicle to haul everyone in one trip so I figured I qualified.

The reason my hubby called me is because he left for Vegas yesterday afternoon. The children's dad called him to let him know. Unfortunately, Vegas is 2 hours different so Clint got the phone call at 3:30 his time. So the message was relayed, and the children arrived just after 6 a.m. The reason for the phone tag was the hospital had called our friend with the news that his wife's water broke. She is just 30 weeks gestation.

So I had to feed 11 children breakfast. We had French toast, bananas, apple juice. I got them all ready for church or at least the ones that needed help. We were not only on time but ten minutes early too. We took up a whole pew. Charissa was at one end while I was at the other. That was to block any wandering strays.

Back to getting ready ... I went to check on Eric. Complete nastiness awaited me. Eric had a major, major blow-out. It was smeared all over the bed and him. Did I mention how nasty gross it was? So in the tub Eric went. After he was ready and clean, I had to do a load of wash. Then I got ready while Eric ate some dry cereal in his chair. The carseats (5 of them) went into our 12 passenger van. That took some planning arranging seats. I had to take into account of who fights when together and all that fun stuff. I couldn't have any "His leg is on my side!" or "She's looking at me!"

I get through church which I had a lesson to teach too. I got as many kids in the van to go home as I did coming. I think they are the same ones too. I made some pizza for lunch even. Whoever said neccesity is the mother of creativity is right. That sauce I had in the freezer was not tomato sauce as I thought (lesson on labelling things better). It was enchilada sauce. Ya know what? With some Italian Seasoning it makes good pizza sauce. I had just enough cheese and toppings (crumbled leftover breakfast sausage, canadian bacon & pepperoni) for a meat and a cheese pizza. I was even told it was the best pizza.

So now I am about to take my well-deserved nap. To be sure that I get it, I told my oldest that if she made sure I had at least a good hour nap, I would lift her computer grounding. I think I am going to get a good nap.

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