Monday, July 28, 2008

An Excuse for a Party

We like to have parties. Actually, we just like to eat ice cream. Which is why we have a fun family tradition of Sundaes on Sunday. We eat sundaes for dinner. I could rationalize that with the ice cream (dairy), strawberry topping (fruit) and nuts (protein), we almost have a balanced meal.

I find that making memories and laughing together doesn't have to cost a lot of money. We have fun at home without spending lots of money. We have restaurant nights. We have movie marathons with movies checked out from the library. Another fun way we can create memories is through bizarre monthly holidays. I posted all about it in my other blog.

We are also planning on having un-birthday celebrations each month since only 5 months out of the year don't have birthdays for us. We will have weird themes like cowboy, frog, yellow and whatever our brains can think up.

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