Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Thunderstorms are fairly common here in the midwest. A really good one sends us scurrying to the basement pretty quick. We had another one last night. The wind is what woke me up. My first thought and question was how many trees would go down. Then I heard the older two girls whose room is upstairs haul their pillows and blankets downstairs once the thunder and lightning started.

When checking the news this morning, I found we were on the outskirts of the storm that moved through central Illinois. Some areas received penny-sized hail, 60 mph winds and lost power. We just had this to deal with ...

The answer is one, by the way.

1 comment:

Heidi Lynn said...

Holy Cow! That's crazy! I'll be honest-I'm thankful that we don't have that big of storms here in Utah that often. The other day we had a huge thunderstorm and it scared me so bad I went running into the other room to ask Mike what it was - he laughed at me and told me it was only thunder, but I seriously thought it might be an earthquake or something because it was shaking out apartment building!